Logic for Life-itself Science

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The Logic for Value Science For science we need a matched pair of metaphysics and formalism. The metaphysics required is process metaphysics. With that metaphysics we need to develop a new empirical philosophy embracing the new discoveries and explain it all by new logics.

The new logic requires signs as opposed to symbols. Symbols are dyads including icon and what it's referencing. Signs are triads including icons, what it's referencing and meaning. Charles Peirce, 20th century American philosopher and creator of semiotics proposed abductive processes that take us from 1stness (Intrinsic Value) to 2ndness (Extrinsic Value) and to 3rdness (Systemic Values).

1stness is Intrinsic Value connecting us to the oneness of life. In abduction, we move to 2ndness that becomes our Extrinsic Values as a basis for action. Further abduction takes us to Systemic Values that make us aware of the ordering properties in which it all has to fit. So far I believe no one has figured out how abduction can be done. They don't realize that valuation processes do abduction.

The meaning component of signs provides for the development of intensional logic. I do have problems with the word logic. Logic is a collection of formal systems originating in the need for sound arguments. Needed now is a class of formal systems with different properties for different purposes. They could be called intensional logics; (intensional refers to meaning). Google leads me to believe that intensional logic now means modal logic. I think we are losing distinctions. Hartman correctly pointed out in his book that modal logic is not intensional logic. It could also be called axiologic for value logic. For now I will call them “i-logics.”

Distinction between Old and New Logics or Formalisms:

Characteristics of Traditional Logics:

  • truth preserving
  • thing oriented (extensional)
  • consistent which denies process
  • static
  • excludes self-reference (self-knowing)
  • excludes values

Characteristics of Life-itself Logics:

  • creative
  • meaning oriented (intensional)
  • allows oscillation
  • dynamic
  • requires self-reference (self-knowing)
  • value-driven

The primitives of the Life-itself-logics:

  • will not be things
  • there will be acts and inner relations (Inner relations are relations that change the related)
  • the rules will not be inference rules but transformations
  • they will not have truth-values
  • truth values will be replaced by coherence, coherence will be conserved
  • they will not have subject-predicate forms of propositions.
  • categories will not be object categories but function categories
  • The questions we will ask of i-logics will not be “is it true”?
  • We will ask, “Can one get there from here”?